Digital Marketing Course


Digital marketing is the marketing of products and services through the use of digital platforms. Digital marketing encompasses the use of online platforms to promote a product or service, including websites, email marketing, social media posts, and more.

In this course, we'll explore the basic principles of digital marketing and how they are used today. We'll look at how these principles can help you create content that attracts customers and converts them into leads who then become customers. We'll also look at what tools exist today that can help you manage your digital marketing campaigns so that you get the most out of them while keeping costs low.

We'll start with an overview of what digital marketing is, where it came from, and why it's important now more than ever before in history. Then we'll dive into some basic terminology and definitions related to digital marketing so you have a better understanding of most terms used throughout this course.

After completing this course, you'll be able to:
  • Create a plan for your business
  • Make a case for why your product or service is useful or unique
  • Use data analytics to improve your campaign performance
  • Identify ways to promote your brand effectively online

Website Planning and Creation

This course covers the creation of digital marketing websites. It will help you understand how to plan a digital marketing website, write content for your site, and use tools like WordPress to create a professional-looking site that performs well. While this course focuses on online market research, you will also learn about creating tailored content for different audiences and optimizing your website for search engines.

This module will teach you about the process of creating a website from start to finish, including the planning and creation of content. You’ll learn how to find a niche for your site and create an engaging content strategy that will drive traffic to the site and help you earn money from it.

You’ll also learn how to set up a web page correctly so that it loads quickly and doesn’t look like it’s been slapped together in no time at all.
  • Define the scope of your website and project.
  • Identify and list every element of your site including text, images, videos and other multimedia content.
  • Create a plan for how you will structure the content of your website and what type of navigation system you will use.
  • Brainstorm ideas for content that will make your site unique and interesting to potential users.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a process that helps you to rank your website higher in search engine results. It's an essential part of any marketing campaign, but it's also one of the most misunderstood aspects of digital marketing. That's why we're here—to help you understand what SEO is and how you can use it to your advantage.

This course will cover:
  • What SEO is
  • The benefits of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • How to write a good Content Marketing Strategy
  • How to use Google Analytics and other tools to track performance

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a method of promoting your business online, by optimizing websites and ad copy for high-ranking in search engines like Google.

SEM can be used to promote products, services and content across the Internet. It's also used to attract new customers and increase engagement with existing ones.

SEM can be used to promote products, services and content across the Internet. It's also used to attract new customers and increase engagement with existing ones.

SEM has several benefits:
  • It helps you reach more people who are looking for what you have to offer.
  • It makes it easier for people to find you on the web.
  • You can use it as an advertising tool if you have enough traffic, which is why it's often referred to as PPC (Pay Per Click).

Social Media Marketing

This course will introduce you to the world of social media marketing and teach you how to use it effectively in your business. It will provide you with a basic understanding of what social media marketing is and how it can help your business reach new audiences. You will also learn the benefits of using social media for marketing purposes, as well as how to set up an account on various platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Finally, this course will cover a variety of topics related to using social media for business purposes including analytics, branding, advertising strategies and more.

In this course you'll learn the basics of social media marketing and how to set up your business's accounts. You'll also learn how to create content for each platform and how to promote that content.

We'll be covering:
  • The importance of social media for businesses
  • How to choose a platform for your business
  • How to create a strong brand identity on each network
  • How to promote posts within each network

Content Marketing & Strategy

This course will provide you with the skills you need to create and manage a successful content marketing strategy. You will learn how to identify your audience, create compelling stories, and measure the results of your efforts. By the end of this course, you'll have all the tools necessary to turn your business into a powerhouse of success.

This course will cover the theory and practice of content marketing. You will learn the difference between content marketing and traditional forms of advertising, along with how to create content that attracts new customers and keeps them engaged. We'll also look at how you can use content marketing to identify your target audience, create buyer personas, and develop content that speaks directly to those people. Finally, we'll explore how to develop an SEO strategy for your website or other online presence using the principles of search engine optimization (SEO).

The goal of this course is for you to learn about the different ways you can use content marketing to drive traffic to your business and engage with your customers.

Topics include:
  • Define your audience
  • Create compelling stories
  • Measure the results

Web Analytics

This course will teach you how to use web analytics to improve your website, product, and business. You'll learn the basics of web analytics, including the difference between user and session-level data, as well as how to segment your audience by demographics or interests.

You'll also learn how to set up a web analytics setup for your website or app and how to analyze your data using Excel. You'll also get a deeper understanding of what makes a good website or product, how long people stay on a page before clicking away, and how long it takes users to convert from one action to another.

Digital Media Planning and Buying

This course is designed to teach you how to plan and buy digital media in order to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

The first module will focus on understanding the basics of digital media and its value. You'll learn about how it's used, who uses it, and how it's purchased. You'll also examine some of the common mistakes marketers make when planning their digital campaigns.

The second module will focus on the different types of media available for use in digital campaigns. You'll learn about the major types of digital media—text, image, video—and look at their strengths and weaknesses. We'll cover what makes each type stand out from one another as well as which one might be best for your company or organization's needs.

The last module will cover what happens after you've decided on a type of media for your campaign: how to create a plan for buying it (including costs), distribute it (including social media platforms), and track results from your investment in this area. By the end of this course you will have learned everything needed to become a successful digital marketer.

Web Remarketing

Web remarketing is a strategy that allows you to show your ads to visitors who have already visited your website. Remarketing allows you to display ads or content in the same place on the internet where they came from, which means you can learn more about your audience and how they interact with your product when they're not visiting your site.

You can use remarketing to target people based on their behavior on other sites, like Google Search or Facebook, as well as by directly targeting them through email or social media ads. You might also want to use remarketing if you're trying to sell products or services directly from your website—remarketing can help you reach out to those people who have shown interest in those products or services but haven't yet bought them.

When using web remarketing, it's important that you make sure that the user has visited your site before because if not, then no one will see any ads showing up based on this type of algorithm.

In this module, you will learn how to create and manage remarketing campaigns

You will be able to see how your campaigns are performing and make changes accordingly. You will also learn about best practices for remarketing campaigns, including what types of content to include in a campaign and why it’s important to keep an eye on the budget.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email as the primary medium to deliver content to your audience. This course will cover the basics of what makes an effective email, the best practices for designing and implementing an email campaign, how to organize and segment your audience, how to measure results, and more.

Email marketing can be used for many purposes, such as:
  • Promoting your business or product
  • Getting new customers
  • Attracting subscribers to an email newsletter
  • Encouraging customer loyalty
  • Increasing brand awareness (i.e., through paid search)

Design Essentials

This course is a comprehensive introduction to designing digital products, services, and experiences. You'll learn how to create beautiful and functional interfaces and discover what makes for a great user experience.

You'll learn about the fundamentals of design including content strategy, visual hierarchy, color theory, typography, grids and grids systems, usability and accessibility testing. You'll also learn about how to apply these principles in the creation of mobile applications, websites, video ads and more.

Mobile Marketing

This course is designed for students who want to understand the importance of mobile marketing and how it can be used to increase engagement with their existing audience. It is also intended to give students an understanding of how they can leverage mobile marketing to reach new customers. Mobile marketing is one of the most important aspects of your digital marketing strategy, because it connects you to your customers wherever they are. There are many different ways to do mobile marketing, including using apps on your smartphone and tablet, as well as using text messaging and social media. Mobile marketing is the process of using mobile devices to deliver content to users. It's a very common way for businesses to reach their audiences, and it can be done in a variety of ways.

  • Mobile marketing is a term used to describe when companies focus on mobile marketing, which means that they are making use of a phone or tablet to reach customers.
  • Mobile marketing can be done in many different ways, but it is most commonly done through mobile app downloads or by using mobile ad campaigns.
  • Mobile marketing helps companies reach their target audience while they are out in the world. This means that they can be reached no matter where they are at the time, whether it's at work or at home. This has become an increasingly important part of business today because it helps businesses stay connected with their customers and keep them informed about what their company has to offer.
  • Mobile advertising gives businesses another way to advertise beyond traditional methods like billboards or television commercials. It allows them to reach potential customers wherever they may be at any given moment in time, which makes it an effective way for businesses to connect with people who might otherwise be hard-to-reach individuals (i.e., those who do not regularly surf the internet).

E-Commerce Management

1.Planning your online store

2.Developing your conversion rate optimization strategy

3.Analyzing the competition's digital strategy

4.Developing a marketing plan that achieves your goals

5.Managing customer service and support issues

Online Reputation Management

This course will cover the basics of online reputation management, including how to protect, enhance, and improve your online reputation. You'll learn how to prevent negative posts from going viral, as well as how to respond to negative comments on social media, email, and other platforms. You'll discover ways to work with third-party platforms (like Facebook) to manage your reputation, and you'll be able to apply what you learned in this course in your day-to-day life.

  • To understand the factors that affect online reputation and to know how to build and manage it.
  • To learn how to deal with issues regarding online reputation, such as negative content, spam, comments, etc.
  • To understand how social media impacts the online reputation of a company or individual.
  • To learn how to use online tools to build a positive online reputation for your company or yourself.

Adsense, Blogging, and Affiliate Marketing

This course is a complete guide for beginners in the field of digital marketing. It will teach you everything from what Adsense is to how to create an ad in the first place. You'll also learn how to use blog posts and affiliate marketing to promote your products, services or website.

This course will cover the following topics:

1.Adsense, Blogging, and Affiliate Marketing

2.Digital Marketing Tools and Processes

3.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics

4.Facebook Advertising Basics

Video Marketing

Video marketing is a digital marketing strategy that uses videos to promote products and services online. It can be used for a wide range of purposes, including customer support, sales, brand awareness, product promotion and education. Video marketing is an effective tool because it allows you to share your brand story with customers in a way that is engaging and memorable.

  • Why video marketing is important
  • How to use video in marketing
  • How to create a video marketing strategy
  • How to make a video that people want to watch and share
  • How to use analytics to optimize your videos

Marketing Automation, Influencer & Podcast Marketing

Marketing Automation
  • How to use Marketing Automation tools to manage your marketing
  • Marketing Automation for SEO/SEM, Social Media, Emailing & Content Marketing
Influencer Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing 101: How to build a marketing team from scratch
  • How to get influencers on board for your company or brand
Podcast Marketing
  • What is Podcasting? How does it work? Why should you care?
  • Audience Targeting in Podcasting: Identifying Your Audience (and how to find them)